Eyebrow Cosmetic Tattooing

BROWS ~ Combination, Microblading, Ombre

We do a variety of brows to suit your desired look. Whether you prefer a solid look to a soft feathered look, we can bring your brows to life. Although brow tattooing is talked about as permanent makeup, this is often misleading as they do fade. The results generally last about 2 years however there are certain skin types where the tattooing only lasts 6 months! It really does depend on your skin type and the technique used by your tattooist.

This treatment is usually done over 2 sessions where the second treatment is your “perfection touch up”. After your skin has settled and the colour of the tattoo pigment has faded slightly usually about the 4th to 6th week you might want a touch of colour added.




A combination brow is a mixture of microblading and Ombre (also known as shading). The shading technique gives more colour and definition to your brows. The end result is similar to when you draw and shade your brows with a brow pencil.

Brow Correction


For those that require previous tattoo colour correction, this is a way to improve the look of the pigment colour. A colour correction is often done by placing a corrective pigment to remove certain tones from your current colour eg if your brows have turned a pink or green tone. Different skin tones affect colour differently and this might be the cause of your brow colour.



Microblading, is where hair-like strokes are drawn on your brow area to create a look where your brows always look brushed and groomed. It also known as feather strokes. The pigment colour sits in these fine strokes and is semi-permanent. As these lines are very fine often you will need a touch up more often than the Combination or Ombre brows.

Retouch Appointment


A Brow Retouch is done within 2 months of your initial brow tattoo procedure. So once your brows have healed and the colour has settled, this is the time to come in for a "Retouch". A Retouch allow for pigment colour to be added in areas where you'd like extra colour added and for any imperfections to be touch up.

Ombre Brows


Ombre also known as powder brows or shading is a technique that provides a fuller look. The tails of the brow can be made darker and fade towards the face midline, giving a perfect powder makeup affect. Great if you have patchy brows

Brow Tattoo Removal


Yes you can removal a brow tattoo that you are unhappy with. This is often the case if you have changed hair colour and now find the brow colour too dark or you have gone to a clinic where the colour match was incorrect. We are here to help!