
Are you 18 years of age or older?

In Australia, you must be 18 years of age or older to have any type of cosmetic tattooing. If you are 16 years or over and requires cosmetic tattooing as a result of a medical condition, we will require consent from a Parent or legal guardian.

Do you have any active infections?

You will need to wait until your infection have gone until tattooing can be done on the area.

What if I have had cosmetic injectables to the area?

If you have had muscle relaxants such as Botox, Dysport etc or dermal fillers near or on the area to be tattooed, please make sure your last treatment was at least 2 weeks before the tattoo and wait at least 2 weeks after a tattoo.

Do you have a history of keloid scarring?

Please note we do not recommend tattooing if you have a history of keloid scarring. Please contact us to discuss this. You will need to obtain clearance from your doctor.

How is my new Cosmetic Brow Tattoo shape chosen?

During your consultation, we will discuss the shape you have in mind. It is a good idea to come with your desired shape penciled on. Prior to your procedure we will pre-draw and outline of the brow area to be tattooed which will also show the shape.

What colour will my new Cosmetic Brow Tattoo be?

Your tattooist will provide colour options and the colour will be placed on your skin (generally this brush of colour is put on your forehead - this is not permanant!) until a desired colour is confirmed.

Will my brow hairs be tweezed or shaved off during the treatment?

Definitley not on the tattoo area! You may wish to have unwanted brow hair removed as this will provide an overall finished look.

Is Cosmetic Tattoo permanent?

Cosmetic tattoo is a semi permanent makeup (SPMU) procedure designed to fade over time. The colour can remain anywhere from 12 months to 5 years. However, this is somewhat unpredictable and depends on many varying factors including client skin type and condition, client aftercare and tattooist skill. Sunscreen is always recommended.

Does it hurt?

We use a numbing cream that is applied for 15-20min before your procedure starts. This allows for minimal pain and clients often say the discomfort is about a 2 (if 10 is the most painful) and some say 0. Some clients describe it as pressure only. Occasionally clients fall asleep during the procedure. You can opt for no numbing.

Is numbing cream used?

We use a numbing cream both immediately before your procedure, and during your procedure. It is both for client comfort and to constrict the blood flow which leads to a better result. You can opt for no numbing cream. We ask that you purchase your numbing cream from a pharmacy and ensure that you are not allergic to the ingredients.

How can I reduce the sensation of cosmetic tattoo?

•avoid stimulants such as sugars and caffeine on the day in the lead up to your appointment •pain threshold is always at its highest first thing in the morning •avoid where possible having your appointment in the lead up to and during menstruation -educate yourself before the appointment so you are relaxed, a relaxed client always feels less •don't run late or arrive flustered, an organised calm client is always able to handle more sensation •practise deep breathing techniques •allow enough time for your appointment in your calendar to prevent feeling rushed •consult with your doctor as to whether you are able to take pain killers beforehand (please note you are unable to take any blood thinning pain killers prior to your appointment e.g ibuprofens)

Is it normal to be nervous?

This is absolutely normal, sometimes it’s the unknown that makes us most nervous. Nervous about how it will turn out, is the procedure painful etc. You can call us anytime with any questions, no questions are a silly one. Before any tattooing is done, we will do some mapping and draw on the desired shape and style, this is often the time when you become most relaxed, and all the nerves go.

How long does it last?

There is no exact answer. There are far too many variables to be able to pinpoint an exact timeframe (ie skin type, client aftercare, tattooist skill, activities including sweat/exercise/swimming pigment colour chosen, quality of the brand of pigment line used) and exposure to sun. Aim to have a touch up every 1-5 years if you find the colour has faded.

Is there a limit on how often I will be able to have Cosmetic Tattoo treatments?

There may come a time where the skin is too heavily saturated to accept any more pigment, or the skin has scar tissue present which rejects pigment. This is why it is extremely important to choose a FULLY qualified Cosmetic Tattooist who is familiar with removal and correction work. Once lifted or corrected, the skin may be worked upon again.

If I have Cosmetic Brow Tattoo, will I still need to tint my Brow hair?

Yes. Cosmetic Tattoo colours the skin and does not alleviate the need to colour the hairs. We recommend you have your Brows tinted before your tattoo procedure

How soon after my appointments can I have my Brows be tinted again?

Please wait until healed (a minimum of 4 weeks) after your Cosmetic Tattoo to have your Brow hair Tinted.

Can I have Cosmetic Tattoo treatments during pregnancy?

Unfortunately not you will need to wait until your baby has arrived to have a Tattoo treatment. This is because you will be laying on your back for the entire tattooing procedure and this is not an ideal position to be in when you are pregnant.

Can I have my brows tattooed whilst still breast feeding?

Yes, you can.

How do I choose a Cosmetic Tattooist?

There are things to look out for to know if your cosmetic tattooists are right for you. •word of mouth - do you know someone that can recommend them •are they a fully qualified Cosmetic/Paramedical Tattooist and have their qualification available for you to look at? •are they trained in removal in case their work needs to be corrected? Or can they remove work that needs correcting •have you seen unedited before and after photos of their work? •have you seen unedited photos of their healed work? (Once healed will show the true results of the tattooing) •does the location have high hygiene levels •do they continue to upgrade their skills? •do they use a reputable pigment brand and are they trained in colour theory? •are they council approved/ following local council guidelines? •do they have insurance? •do they wear disposable PPE (gloves, cover all the tools etc)? •do they run through a full consult and consent before commencing the tattoo procedure?

Can I wear makeup after my Cosmetic Tattoo appointment?

Yes, you can wear makeup on the tattooed site provided it is mineral makeup. You will need to wait a minimum of 1 weeks to use makeup on the tattoo site.

What is the Brow Tattoo process on the day?

•come with your desired Brow shape, if you know what that is •fill out the pre paperwork. •discuss options and styles with your tattooist. •answering any questions and discuss concerns. •clean the Brows and take before photos •numb the Brow area (15-20 min) •measure facial features and map out the Brows •pre-draw the new shape with pencil or pigment, depending on the style, size and shape you are requesting •start tattooing the Brows (up to 5 passes) •confirm you are happy with the finished tattoo •take after photos •discuss aftercare procedure and go through your aftercare kit.

Do I get to have copies of my transformation photos?

Yes, these can be sent to you after your procedure if you would like.

Cancellation policy?

To secure your booking there is $50 booking fee. This is non-refundable however if you wish to move the date of your procedure, please provide at least 24 hours notice and the $50 booking fee will be transferred to your new date.